About Hatts Off
Our Principles
- View life experiences as challenges to grow
- Promote the equality of men and women
- Commit to truth seeking and openness to new approaches
- Encourage harmony of thought, feeling, and action
- Preserve diversity while working towards unity
- Dedicate ourselves to peer coaching at all levels
- Help each other grow through encouragement and consultation
- Pursue excellence
- Recognize that belief in a higher power is important to personal growth and respect the beliefs of others

Our History
Gordon and Ellen Naylor began Hatts Off Centre (now Hatts Off) in 1985 with a four bed, parent model facility, which later evolved into a seven bed, staff model treatment home within one year. The business also expanded to include its first foster home laying the groundwork for its long term foster care program.
In 1986, Hatts Off began acquiring homes for foster care and staff model residences. These were created with responsive programming to the needs of the children and youth they were serving. Through experience, greater capacity was developed by staff to handle more complex clients with higher levels of needs. Different types of therapy, such as art and play, were added to assist children and youth in their treatment and adjustment. As younger clients became adults, we recognized a greater need for adult services and expanded our services offered to include support to older teenagers and adults, through our residential, brain injury, and semi-independent living homes.
Hatts Off’s commitment to its key principle of serving those under its care resulted in a growing reputation for being able to handle and treat complicated cases. As this reputation grew and as more and more agencies made referrals, a continuum of service was established, allowing Hatts Off to accommodate all clients according to their needs and to help them move to the least intrusive environment for their growth and development.

Our Leadership
Hatts Off’s leadership team has a wealth of experience, understanding, and practical skills, enabling it to effectively serve clients and staff at all levels of our organization.
Management Team:
- Gord Naylor, Executive Director
- email: g_naylor@hattsoffinc.com
- Bronwyn Naylor, Chief Operating Officer
- email: b_naylor@hattsoffinc.com
- Shari DeCaire, Director of Services (Western Region)
- email: s_decaire@hattsoffinc.com
- Lori Ireland, Director of Services (Eastern Region)
- email: l_ireland@hattsoffinc.com
- Courtney Chapin, Clinical Director
- email: c_chapin@hattsoffinc.com
- Debbie Argent, Clinical Director
- email: d_argent@hattsoffinc.com
- Chris Riehl, Clinical Director
- email: c_riehl@hattsoffinc.com
- Lisa LaCombe, Clinical Director
- email: l_lacombe@hattsoffinc.com
- Bill Henderson, Clinical Director
- email: b_henderson@hattsoffinc.com
- Carol Vandenheuvel, Clinical Director, Foster Care
- email: carolv@hattsoffinc.com
- Tara Macaulay, Director of Human Resources
- email: t_macaulay@hattsoffinc.com
- Aladine Hanna, Director of Finance
Our Licensing
Hatts Off is licensed to be an operator of care in Ontario by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. All our foster and residential homes are compliant with the licensing requirements set out in the Child, Youth and Family Services Act and the regulations which accompany the Act.
Our license is issued on a yearly basis following a review carried out by the Ministry’s licensing officer. This process may include a review of the Policies and Procedures Manual and operating documentation including financial records, review of client and staff files, and interviews with clients and staff.