Child & Youth Plans of Care

We are committed to ensuring that all our clients are making progress in their lives. To assist with this process, a plan of care is developed within one month of placing a child or youth in one of our programs. These individualized, goal-oriented plans specify the services to be provided to our clients and the objectives of our care for them.

In developing plans of care, Hatts Off will consult with a number of parties, including, where possible: staff, social workers, parents, teachers, probation officers if applicable, and the child or youth themselves in order to look at their specific strengths and needs and set goals related to them. Each plan of care is assessed on a regular basis, or whenever there is a change in placement, in order to review the progress being made and make necessary adjustments.

This process not only allows a child or youth to receive encouragement for their development, but also facilitates a proper flow of communication allowing all parties to have unity in their approach to treatment.